Facebook Video Allegedly Shows Phil Bredesen Campaign Recruiting Illegal Aliens

A new Facebook video appears to show the communications director for Democratic U.S. Senate candidate Phil Bredesen encouraging illegal aliens to involve themselves with his campaign.

A Nashville resident named America Leon posted the video on her personal Facebook page last week. She made the video public. The video shows two women, out of camera range, interviewing Bredesen and his Communications Director Laura Zapata.

Bredesen said little during the exchange, although he appears present for most of it, sometimes off camera. Zapata, however, is visible and speaks the most often during the video. The person who recorded it did so at an unknown location and at an unknown date.

On the video, one of the two women admits she is an illegal immigrant and, thus, ineligible to vote in the U.S. Senate election. She then asked why she and other illegals should still involve themselves in Bredesen’s campaign.

With Bredesen standing nearby, Zapata spoke.

“Why they should get involved?” Zapata asked.

“Because I mean you guys said it yourselves, you know, this is the choice right now we have and we can take our country in a certain direction if you choose, umm, Phil Bredesen, or we can go back and choose Marsha Blackburn who has been very clear about what she wants to do with (the) undocumented.”

The two women had previously expressed concern over a Bredesen campaign ad that used the term “illegal immigrant.”

Zapata told the women the Bredesen campaign used the term responding to one of Marsha Blackburn’s campaign ads.

Tennessee GOP Spokesman Gillum Ferguson told The Tennessee Star Thursday Bredesen and his team “talk out of both sides of their mouths on the issue” of illegal aliens.

“They want to talk to certain people who care about cracking down on illegal immigration and care about enforcing our immigration laws, but when confronted with people who self-identify as undocumented they say they only said that because of an attack ad,” Ferguson said.

“The top spokeswoman for Phil Bredesen’s campaign, in his presence, actively solicits support from illegal immigrants to help with his campaign. Ostensibly they did this because what they pitched to the people who self-identify as undocumented is that Phil Bredesen will be more sympathetic to them and softer on illegal immigration than Marsha Blackburn would be.”

This is not the only time Bredesen says one thing to one group of people and another thing entirely to someone else, Ferguson said.

“We have seen this time and again. We saw it on Brett Kavanaugh, sitting on the fence for as long as he could,” Ferguson said.

The Tennessee GOP published a video on their YouTube channel Thursday showing an unknown pair of men, off camera, asking Bredesen if he solicited the help of illegal immigrants for his campaign.

Bredesen refused to talk to either man.

In another video on the YouTube channel for Bredesen’s Republican opponent Marsha Blackburn, also published Thursday, Bredesen told Bristol affiliate WCYB the illegal alien caravan approaching the southern border “is not a threat to our security.”

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Chris Butler is an investigative journalist at The Tennessee Star. Follow Chris on Facebook. Email tips to [email protected].









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